Saturday, August 12, 2006

UC digitizes even more

Earlier this week the University of California and Google announced that they would work together on Google's digitization project. Thus, UC joins other universities in digitizing its books -- typically subject to the first sale doctrine.

UC received 2 criticisms: We are violating copyright law. Or Google is. Or perhaps both. I have my own opinion here, but know better than to put it in a public blog. I don't speak for the UC system, but I can say I was surprised to see us join this.

The other criticism I heard was that somehow by working with Google UC will make it harder to work with open alliances, or harder for other groups to work with open initiatives. I just hope that Brewster was taken out of context, because this makes no sense to me. By working with more than one initiative, UC is showing they can do have many partners. I just hope UC receives copies of these scans so that when UC has other uses for them (or yet another partner) the books do not have to be re-re-scanned. . .


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